In one of the days of itching to code something-i-do-not-know-what I was surfing the web looking for some old games source code to play with, hoping to find some code for one of those old RPGs like Ultima IX, Soulbringer or Dungeon Keeper 2 was released. Those I played back in the days. I periodically do such searches but they give no result.
I know Ultima IX source code
was given to community, but without a right to publish it, just to preserve, though I do not know how can ou preserve something by keeping it to yourself and not sharing, but that is another story…
Instead I found out that Microsoft released source code to its Mesh Commander 2 game. When I went to checkout the code it turned out that all engine code was not released and instead was supplied as a set of prebuilt binaries. That is exactly what I needed :-) If it had released all the source code, it would not be so fun to port it as there just would not be enough challenge comparing to recretating engine from scratch basing on its interface functions.
So I set out on a search to found if anyone else was already doing what I wanted to do. I found some stale projects on github mainly consisting of cloned source code and some initial commits. I also found an Omnitch mode but this mode did not try to recreate an engine, it was more of a classical game mod. So I’ve downloaded the source code and it all began…