ok, leys start porting! yay!
hm… how do I even compile it…
lets go into directory with smalles number of files
based on .vcproj
cat Stuff.vcproj | grep ".cpp" | perl -pe 's/.+\"(\w+\.cpp)\".+/\1/g' >> CMakeLists.txt
ok, compile… oh my..
and of course nobody cared for include filename CaSEneSs,
so small script to bring all files to lowercase
small script to bring all include to lowercase and fix slashes
ok better but still…
lots of asm code, in some places there is equivalent C++ code, but looks like it was never tested, some stupid mistakes there, like variables are even not declared, or function calls used which do not exist
probably only ASM branch was used since some moment of time…, ok still switch to C++ #ifdef
path and just fix it